Our Team PACO ROSASMUSIC DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR Engineer, sound designer, producer and musician with more than 20 years in the biz. Shares credits with Erlend Oye, LP, Porter, Sebastian Maschat (The Whitest Boy Alive), Ruzzi, Bear Kittay, Cubenx, The Shamans, Pumcayó and many more… RODRIGO MONTESMUSICAL EXPERIENCE COORDINATOR Musician, engineer and producer. Rodrigo is best known for his work as a multi-instrumental session musician. He is also known for his contributions in audio recording and post-production for films, TV series, audiobooks, podcasts and documentaries. (Audible, AmazonPrime, Netflix, CanalSpace, TvAzteca). CHRISTOPHE BOURLONMUSIC EXPERIENCE MANAGER Graduate of Audio Engineering & Business Management, Christophe Bourlon is a recording and live sound engineer, concert & festival producer with over 10 years of experience in the music industry. BEAR KITTAYMUSICAL AMBASSADOR Bear Kittay launched his new album “Quarantine at El Ganzo (Volume 2)” under the label of El Ganzo Records. “Quarantine at El Ganzo (Volume 2)” is the second release of the band dubbed “The Caged Dolphins'' which was formed when singer Erlend Øye and drummer Sebastian Mashat were voluntarily stranded at the temporarily closed hotel during the covid lockdown and joined forces with Ganzo’s Bear Kittay, Paco Rosas and drummer Jorge Aguilar to record initially an album of Mashat and Øye’s songs (volume one) followed by Øye leading the production of an album of Kittay’s originals (volume two).